
August 10 - 12, 2018 / Kapten's Stallet, Knutby, SWEDEN

Välkomna på Clinic


Leslie Desmond och Antonio Hidalgo

 Kaptensstallet, Knutby!!   

10 - 12 Augusti, 2018


 Vi lär oss kombinera Feel and relase horsemanship  och hoppning.

Hur kan vi använda oss utav horsemanship för att få en bättre tävlingshäst? 

Demo, vad är feel and release. Leslie visar och berättar.

Efteråt samlas vi vid våran grillplats för "Meet and Greet", var och en tar med sig eget att grilla och vi umgås och snackar häst. 

Lördag och Söndag  / 11-12 Augusti:


9:00-10:30 första passet


10:30-11:00 Fika


11:00-12:30 Andra passet


12:30 -2:00  LUNCH


(Anmäl gärna om du önskar köpa lunch av oss.) 


14:00-16:00 Tredje passet


16:00-16:30 Fika


16:30-18:00 Fjärde Passet



Fredag 10 Augusti.  

DEMO Pris: 1,500 kr /  hast (2)


Demo Tid:  18:00 - 19:30 /   19:30 - 21:00   


Spectator Day Passes 

1-day  450 SEK



2-days  800 SEK





DEMO horse  1,500 SEK

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1 day a horse  1,800 SEK



2 days participate with a horse  3,000 SEK


Uppstallningsavgift tillkommer. 

Anmäl till Leslie på. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Eller till Anna Norlin via sms 0733-424809 eller This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Läs mer på www.kaptensstallet.se

 Space for Two Demo horses and 4 riders in SWEDEN for coaching in horsemanship and jumping.


For updates and event notices, please visit Leslie on Facebook and like the events and news pages!

Write to Leslie Desmond here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  / +1 6022287612

Write to Antonio Hidalgo here: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. /  + 34 629747527


DINNER IN TOWN!  Let's share the events of the day and discuss our horses and the time we had together over a meal on Saturday night!

Campers are welcome, bring your tents, sleeping bags, sunscreen, tick repellant, and chairs.

and food if you wish to.  

Please leave dogs at home for this clinic.

Many thanks, we look forward to seeing many of you again at Kaptan's Stallet, and meeting some of you and your horses for the first time!


Email Leslie here, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

What's App: +1-602-228-7612


Y O U   T U B E   /   L E S L I E   D E S M O N D


Events and special offers listed regularly on FACEBOOK!

Your support with a  "LIKE" and follow is much appreciated.

 L E S L I E    D E S M O N D


T H E   F E E L   O F   A   H O R S E


D E S M O N D    O U T F I T T E R 


________________GET TO KNOW________________

A N T O N I O    H I D A L G O


TEL: +34 629 747 527   /    EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.