
April 5, 2014 / Union College Equestrian Club


Union College Equestrian Club

to Host

International Clinician Leslie Desmond


Double E Farm

206 Vischer Road / Rexford, NY 






Saturday, April 5th and LEARN HOW to use Feel & Release for beautiful and efficient maneuvers!


English and Western Riders are welcome! Please leave dogs at home.


{googleMaps label="Feel & Release with LESLIE DESMOND" addr="206 Vischer Road, Rexford, New York" }


Clinic Co-Sponsor:

Aude Bechu  

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  / 845-240-3087


Please scan and send completed and signed liability and photo release forms here, <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.> with UNION COLLEGE Equestrian Club in the subject line.


The hard copies should be mailed by POST directly to Leslie Desmond / PO Box 1057 / Great Barrington, MA 01230.


HOST Venue Contact: 

Liz Meunier
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



If you are not familiar with the area, April can be wet or dry, warm, or cool . . .   DEPENDING ON....the weather.

Rain gear recommended for the chance downpour; bring your sunscreen and a comfy CHAIR!



Riders are requested to bring the equipment they normally use.

Horses have the capacity to adapt to new situations and equipment, of course. In a clinic environment, where so many things will be new and exciting, I discourage people from changing their equipment unless

its construction, size and/or manner of use creates resistance or a misunderstanding that runs at cross-purposes with training objectives.

When I was going regularly to clinics as a student the things I regretted forgetting were these: extra buckets, a spare rope and halter, a hay net, helmet, easy boot or other, suitable hoof protection in the event of a lost shoe, spare socks and enough water for me, notebook and pens, tape recorder (yes! you may tape record but not photograph the event), and a spare set of keys for the vehicle and the tack room on my trailer.

For the vehicle!  Spare oil, window washer fluid, spare tire for truck and trailer, (with enough air already in them), GPS or map.



Bill Dorrance's legacy of horse handling and riding through Feel & Release continues, and you can be a part of it!

If you are an aspiring horse trainer or a serous equestrian from any discipline, this is a good opportunity to break the cycle.

Trainers in many countries, representing many disciplines seek Leslie's advice and support; many have become re-inspired and successfully re-launched their careers, bolstered by renewed confidence in the direction that communicating through in Feel & Release has taken them.  This is great to see and, also, fun to do!

This approach was advocated by master horseman Bill Dorrance, and is still used and taught by Leslie Desmond since the completion of her 4-year apprenticeship.  In 1999, Leslie co-authored and published the classic training manual, "True Horsemanship Through Feel”.

Take a look through this book, and Leslie's Learning Library online before the event if you have the chance.


PRE-Registration for all riders is required.

Download youryour Questionnaire, Photo Release and Liability Waiver from the pre-registtration link above, then read and complete it, sign it or if you are under 21 years old, ask a parent to sign it for you. Then, scan and email it to Leslie Desmond at this email address: <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. All riders under 21 require signature of parent or legal guardian f the photo release and the waiver of liability.

Bring the signed originals with you to the event! We will start promptly at 9 AMwith a short introduction and demonstrationwithout the horses. Please arrive no later than 8:30 AM.   Thank you!


In this clinic you will learn the foundation -- philosophy, techniques and angles/position -- necessary to lighten up your hands, position your upper body and legs while you ride.

After some practice, you will know were the feet are how to place them lightly when and where you wish in the various gaits. You will learn how to adjust your horse's head, neck, shoulders, rips, loin and hips  . . .  all this with lighter hands as you refine your new skills on the ground and in mounted work, too.

You will learn how to set your horse up to succeed so that few if any corrections are needed. For some people this is a revolutionary concept. For others, it is an idea that was suspected to have validity all along, but the best route to accomplish that illusive task was not known or, for some reason, not easily managed. Leslie will explain these details and demonstrate the approach thoroughly.


Saturday, April 5, 2014

9:00 -10:30  First Half Morning Sessions

Short Break

11:00 – 12:30  Second Half Morning Session (STARTS ON TIME!)

12:30 - 2:00 PM LUNCH

2:00 - 3:30  First Half Afternoon Session

3:30 - 4:00   SHORT BREAK

4:00 - 5:30  Second Half Afternoon Session




Union College Equestrian Club Payment for Riders



 I look forward to seeing you Double E Farm in Rexford, New York!

Leslie Desmond  


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