
August 27 - August 31, 2014 / Tromsø, Norway


Training and better connections made simple with feel & release.
This is the place to register for a class if you want to learn more about handling and riding horses using the approach that Bill Dorrance wrote about in his classic training manual, "True Horsemanship Through Feel". Leslie Desmond, co-author of the book, and producer of the 10-CD audio book, "Horse Handling and Riding Through Feel" will coach each horse and rider team for 10.5 hours.

The horse handling and riding skills that will be taught this weekend are listed below.

The basics in terms of feel & release. Stopping and starting, standing, backing, turning and collecting the horse.

Understanding how to separate the clear presentation of often confusing requests for: changes in posture (self-carriage and body alignment, and/or position) from the requests for changes in speed and  direction. Because all of these specific and separate requests are made through the rider's body and his/her equipment of choice, what is most important to the horse is often overlooked. Namely, a rider's line of sight, breath work, balance and conscious intent. These are the main things that make the difference between a poor-to-mediocre experience and one that is as refined, elegant and pleasing to the horse as it is to the rider and onlookers.

These classes are suited for any breed of horse, and any riding style. If you are not able to participate in this course, but want to ride with Leslie this year, please consider riding or auditing in Berlin, Germany  / September 19 - 22, 2013 and register on that clinic.

In 2014 Leslie will have time off the clinic tours to complete her books and DVD series for her students. 

5-week apprenticeships will begin spring 2015. Interested candidates can send for registration packets.

Write to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and enter "2015 Apprenticeships" in the subject line.

9:00 - 12:30  Morning Groundwork session
12:30 - 2:00  Lunch
2:00 - 5:30 Afternoon mounted work